Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The Plank Pose

One of my favorite poses is the "plank". It is not so much about strength as it is about concentration.

The best way to get to this pose is to start in downward facing dog. From there, press forward so your shoulders are over your wrist joint. Make sure your wrists are directly under the shoulders at a 90 degree angle. The body should be in one line from the top of your head to your heels. Do not dip or raise your hips. This is the same positioning as a push-up. You need to push back through your heels and forward through a neutral neck out through the top of the head. At the same time, press firmly down through your whole hand, and do not let your chest sink.

If you have difficulty with it I would suggest trying the following:

  • The posture is essential. Don't let any part of your body hang. Keep a straight spine and tens all your muscles.
  • Push your breast and shoulder blades higher. Lift them up.
  • Position your hands just outside your shoulder width and spread your fingers.
  • Concentrate with your eyes at a spot on your yoga mat, but MORE IMPORTANT, concentrate on your breathing. Slow inhalation and slow exhalation through your nose. 

If all this still don't improve your asana, you can also concentrate on the music (it there are any been played). As a last resort I will suggest singing  or reciting a mantra in your mind.

Benefits of Plank Pose:
  • Strengthens your arms and wrists
  • Tones your abdominal muscles
  • Stretches and strengthens your spine
  • Provides a sense of balance and stability

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